• Overview
  • Trip Outline
  • Booking

You are picked up from your hotel/lodge and initially driven through Chinotimba, the largest and oldest township in Victoria Falls to get a glimpse of urban township life. From there it's about 15 km out of town to the rural village, some of it on tar but the rest on dirt road. It takes about 25 to 30 minutes to get there. In this quiet rural countryside is Monde Village, where you get to meet the local inhabitants, go through introductions and talk about their culture, customs, history and daily lives. You will be shown how their homestead is set up, the animals that they keep, what sort of equipment and utensils they use, the way their rooms are set up, the kind of food they eat, and so much more. Depending on the time of your tour, you may participate in preparing food and/or other chores. The tour lasts about 2 to 2.5 hours (including travel time).

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